Faces of Fitness is a monthly feature highlighting our incredible Group Exercise instructors. This is a platform to discover their classes, teaching style, and their passion for inspiring others through fitness. We’re thrilled to introduce our outstanding instructors and the Y’s diverse group exercise offerings.

Meet Matt & Tiffany

“Some of my best friends have come from bootcamp. We support each other through all life’s ups and downs.”

Matt’s 16 years and Tiffany’s 14 years of instructor experience add up to a combined 30 years, demonstrating their deep commitment to being an instructor.

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Get to Know Matt & Tiffany

What was your initial motivation for becoming a fitness instructor?
MATT: I was attending the class and the instructor quit. I figured I could step in & lead class. I teamed up with Ann Lunde to keep the class going–she was already working at the Y.
TIFFANY: My mom and my sister both were/are and wanted to give it a go! 
What's your favorite aspect of teaching fitness classes?
MATT: I love seeing people come to class who think they can’t do it, or don’t know how to start a workout program, and showing them they CAN do it & they CAN change their lifestyle and achieve goals they thought were not possible.
TIFFANY: Motivating people to work hard and build relationships around healthy habits
Describe your teaching style in one sentence.
MATT: Challenge people to push themselves to do things they thought they couldn’t do.
TIFFANY: Just keep moving and working at 5am!
How do you measure the success of your fitness classes?
MATT: Results of the attendees; returning attendees; achieving a “family” culture in class.
TIFFANY: 5:00 am is a tough time slot. If I continually have a good number of people show up to work hard at that time of day, that is success!
How does teaching group-ex classes impact your own fitness journey?

MATT: It keeps me accountable to my own fitness goals.
TIFFANY: Keeps me motivated to learn new exercises and workouts and share my motivation with my peers.

What's some advice you would give to a new class participant?
MATT:I always tell people to start out slow, modify as necessary and concentrate on good form. Once you achieve a fitness foundation based upon that, you will start achieving things you didn’t know you could.
TIFFANY: Don’t be intimidated if it feels hard at first. Just keep showing up and moving and it only gets easier. Feeling sore is part of the process.
Tell us about a highlight moment in your fitness instructor journey.
MATT:I have had multiple people start Boot Camp not being able to run a mile nonstop, only to see them grow into marathon runners.
TIFFANY: Some of my best friends have come from Bootcamp. We support each other through all life’s ups and downs. On my last day of cancer treatment, the whole class showed up in pink with gifts and encouragement.
What's a fun fact about you?
MATT: I am a bison rancher – raising bison & selling the meat.
TIFFANY: I was a white house intern in college.